Day 11 of my Developer Journey: Triple Shot Power up set up
Time to set up our first power up. Firstly, we shall copy and adjust 3 of our laser prefabs to be around our spaceship, to our desired locations.

We shall put all laser under 1 parent object, give them all their colliders, and fix the z placement. We need to make sure that all objects have a 0 on their z axis, or the laser will be off center.
Time for code. First, we need to add a check if the powerup is active. This means we need a bool variable and a variable for the triple shot prefab.

Next, we will edit our fire method from before with an if else check. This will decide which variable we should instantiate. Since our bool is set to false, we will continue firing our standard laser until this statement changes to true, then it will spawn our triple shot only.