Day 10 of my Developer Journey: Prototype to production (3D to 2D)
Now that the basic framework is done, we need to change the simple cubes to more complicated assets. Firstly, we will select the 2D button in our game window. Next we will add a nebula background.

First thing we change is our player from a cube to a 2D ship and modifying our components to suit our new needs. We will also adjust our Box Collider to suit our new sprite. After we are finished, these are our new components:

Next is our new enemy. We will add the same components, add the 2D sprite and then fix the Colliders. Same goes for the Laser, then both were tagged correctly. Important to note is the selection of the objects being triggers, so there are no Once, this is done, both are added to the Prefab folder.
Now its time to fix the code. In the enemy code we need to fix the colliders, as they are looking for a 3D object, now that the objects are 2D, it requires some change.

Last thing we will change is the laser offset. Since our new model is different, our laser spawn position needs to be changed.